Oslo Accords

The Oslo Accords were a set of agreements signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the 1990s, which aimed to establish a framework for peace negotiations between the two sides.

Hamas was not a party to the Oslo Accords, as it did not recognize the legitimacy of the PLO at the time, nor did it believe in Oslo.

The agreements included provisions for Israeli withdrawal from parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the establishment of a Palestinian Authority, and the recognition of Israel by the PLO.

However, both sides have accused each other of violating the Oslo Accords over the years. Today, the reality on the ground speak volumes.


1. SETTLEMENTS: The Oslo Accords did not prohibit Israel from building settlements in the West Bank, but it did stipulate that their expansion should be frozen during the interim period. However, Israel continued to build and expand settlements in the West Bank, which is considered a violation of the spirit of the Oslo Accords. NOTE: The number of illegal settlements has actually quadrupled since Oslo.

2. RESTRICTIONS ON MOVEMENT: The Oslo Accords called for the establishment of safe passage routes for Palestinians between the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as between the West Bank and Israel. However, Israel has been accused of imposing restrictions on movement and access, such as checkpoints and roadblocks, which have made it difficult for Palestinians to move freely.

3. SECURITY COOPERATION: The Oslo Accords called for security cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, including the sharing of intelligence and joint efforts to combat terrorism. However, Israel has been accused of undermining this cooperation by carrying out military operations in areas under Palestinian control without coordination with the Palestinian Authority.


1. INCITEMENT/PREVENTING ATTACKS AGAINST ISRAEL: The Oslo Accords included a provision that both sides would refrain from incitement. However, the PLO was often accused of failing to take steps to prevent attacks against Israelis.

In hindsight it has long become clear, Oslo was never a peace accord that failed. Evidence suggest it was a successful ploy by Israel to deepen the occupation.